August is Art - Calling All Artists!

July 7th, 2016

During August, Bevolo will showcase the New Orleans artistic community while celebrating Bevolo's products as art!

See submissions criteria below.

Submissions Criteria:

  • All artistic mediums are welcome for submission, but submissions must be a photo rendering
  • Artwork must be original and created by the person submitting
  • Artwork should feature a Bevolo product (if unsure, please contact us!)
  • Bevolo will not own the rights to submitted work, but has permission to cross promote on digital channels
  • Email submissions or questions to & follow @bevolo
  • Submission deadline: August 10th

Favorite artist, voted for by 10k+ social followers!

Prizes include a Bevolo Pool House Lantern (value $500) and "Making New Orleans" book from the Bevolo Showroom


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!

*Note: ALLcontest submissions must be sent to

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