There are so many aspects that go into choosing the perfect lights for your home. What style with the architecture? How many lights should there be? Where do they go? Gas or electric? What is the proper scale? Don't get overwhelmed, let us help!
Free Design ServiceThere are so many aspects that go into choosing the perfect lights for your home. What style with the architecture? How many lights should there be? Where do they go? Gas or electric? What is the proper scale? Don't get overwhelmed, let us help!
Free Design ServiceThere are so many aspects that go into choosing the perfect lights for your home. What style with the architecture? How many lights should there be? Where do they go? Gas or electric? What is the proper scale? Don't get overwhelmed, let us help!
Free Design ServiceDuring August, Bevolo will showcase the New Orleans artistic community while celebrating Bevolo's products as art!
See submissions criteria below.
Submissions Criteria:
Favorite artist, voted for by 10k+ social followers!
Prizes include a Bevolo Pool House Lantern (value $500) and "Making New Orleans" book from the Bevolo Showroom
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
*Note: ALLcontest submissions must be sent to