Architects and Builders: Submit Your Favorite Project from 2016

January 3rd, 2017

New Years is a time for both reflection and forward planning. We ask you, architects, builders and designers to reflect on your favorite project that came to light in 2016. Please share the rendering, elevations and finished project photo so Bevolo's social media team can highlight the intricate details of your profession!

Photo featured is the Jackson and Leroy firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah

The photos will be displayed on Bevolo’s social media albums, the followers will have 48 hours to show support for their favorite. The project with the most engagement (likes, comments and shares) will receive a hand crafted 9” Original French Quarter for your desk--an exact replication of the lantern Mr. A. Hays Town designed with Andrew Bevolo Senior generations ago--as well as the beautiful book The Louisiana Homes of A. Hays Town. The winner will be featured on the website as well as the next newsletter.

  1. Send renderings and a finished project photo to by January 14th
  2. Provide necessary info:
    • Name/Location of the firm
    • Project title and location
    • Any collaborators who worked on the project
    • Firm’s website and social media info (Facebook, Houzz, Pinterest, Instagram etc)
  3. Follow Bevolo socially, you will receive an email when the post goes live. We will randomly select a project as the winner within 48 hours of the live album debut.

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